A New Start
Hi Everyone,
The readers who read my blog before might have noticed that I have not been actively posting in over two years. What might also have caught their eye is the fact that all my previous posts have been deleted. To the new readers: hi, welcome!
So, it has been a while and a lot has happened in the meantime. I will explain it all, I promise! A lot has changed since the last time I posted here. We are currently in a pandemic, this is probably no news for you. If it is, where have you been the past two years? But I have changed in the past two years as well. And that is why I wanted to start with a clean slate.
In these past two years I did not sit still, I promise. I continued studying history, for instance. I also looked and my blog quite frequently. I was not happy with it and did not know what I wanted. I knew that eventually, I wanted to start using it actively again. But what needed to change in order for me to do that? When I looked at the website I saw a mess. And yes it was a mess that represented me. It had reviews, photography and life updates. But I am not focused on photography anymore, so it felt wrong to continue my blog like it was still the main focus. Not that photography is not a part of my life anymore. Do not get me wrong. But it is something that I'm doing less because for a long time I just simply did not really love it anymore.
Instead, I found my love for reading and writing back. This is something that I love doing and I need a place to share that. I still want to do life updates as well and combine that with photography. But now I just want to capture moments that I love, that inspire me, or I simply find beautiful. So this will really be a blog about me, who I am, and what I love doing.
Honestly, it is probably still going to look like a mess, but it is going to be my mess. Whether I am happy with it is all that counts. So, I hope you are ready for this new adventure because I am for sure!
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